Thursday, March 3, 2011

Resistance 3 - Multiplayer News

Well here we are. Having some information on Battlefield 3 earlier this month (last month?), DICE got everyone pumped up with the return of one of the best franchises on the market. With Killzone 3's release in late February, there was only one more thing to come into everyone's mind: What will become of Insomniac's first-person shooter, Resistance 3.

To start off, Insomniac has apparently listened to the complaints about Resistance 2 and worked hard to alleviate  the problems. They did this, by having 16-player multiplayer.

Ouch. Compared to their previous installments in the franchise, a 16-player battle seems like a minor skirmish. However, it is still unclear as whether or not this will actually balance out the gameplay online, seeing as one of the complaints with Resistance 2's multiplayer is that it was too chaotic and messy online to have any fun. (On a side note, I thought this too).

Insomniac states that having 16-players online would allow them to add more details to the levels and have a more focus gameplay. No doubt this will still be a big drawback to the fans (the first game having 40 players), but the way that Insomniac describes it seems like it really is shaping up to be a really good multiplayer experience.

The weapon wheel is back, allowing players to carry more than two weapons (a sigh of relief from the fans). There will also be a new leveling system that will replace the big grind of Resistance 2 (two years later, and I still haven't unlocked everything). This includes new Berserks and power-ups such as "Doppelganger" which shoots out a holographic decoy to confuse enemies. Character customization is also a big part of the multiplayer experience, with the player being able to allocate points to improve their play-style. Sounds like the multiplayer is shaping up to be a good contender, but a question runs through my mind: seeing COD: Black Ops's success, is Insomniac trying to cash in on the customization craze?

A word of advice Insomniac, don't try to be too much like the competition. It stagnates the market. Us gamers need something new and exciting, not another COD clone. Don't be afraid to take some leaps of faith here and there. Killzone 3 tried to become something it wasn't. Don't make the same mistake.

Original PlayStation Blog post:

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